May 9, 2023 8:30:00 AM | 5 Min Read

A Guide to Assistive Devices for the Elderly

Posted By Vista Springs
A Guide to Assistive Devices for the Elderly

Nowadays, you can find many assistive devices for the elderly. Whether it involves walking, getting dressed, or performing other daily tasks, these devices help improve the way of life for seniors.

Let’s discuss the various types of many assistive devices for the elderly available, including examples of each type.

Walkers as Assistive Devices For The Elderly

Walkers are some of the most common assistive devices for the elderly. While some come with four wheels, there are also two-wheel walkers available. Like a cane, using a two-wheel walker helps prevent injuries,  often caused by a fall. These walkers work best for those with balance issues or lower-body weakness.

One great feature of these walkers is that, when used correctly, they can support half a person’s body weight. Additionally, users of two-wheel walkers don’t even need to lift the device—they can use the two front wheels to roll the walker around. Another advantage is that these walkers help seniors restore strength and improve posture.

Walking Canes as Assistive Devices For The Elderly

You can never forget walking canes when considering assistive devices for the elderly. Not only are these devices handy, but they’re also affordable and lightweight. From getting out of bed to walking around the house, walking canes can improve the quality of life for seniors.

Today, there are tons of different types of canes available. When used correctly, they can drastically help with balance and mobility. Additionally, these devices can even reduce the chance of a life-threatening fall. Walking canes also work great for those who have arthritis, as they help to limit the weight placed on joints and ligaments.

Comfort Devices as Assistive Devices For The Elderly

Staying comfortable is also essential as it reduces pain and assists with mobility. That said, there are many comfort devices available to the senior community. These devices help with everyday tasks, from getting dressed to watching TV.

Here are some of the most common comfort devices on the market today:

  • The sound amplifier to hear conversations, TV, radio, etc.
  • Buttoning hook for putting on shirts and pants
  • Modified computer keyboard with more giant letters, numbers, and symbols
  • Zipper pull to help when using zippers.
  • Robotic vacuums to help clean the house
  • Mattress lift for getting in and out of bed
  • Table tray for eating more comfortably

Sometimes you may need help with daily tasks; it can be very frustrating. But with these comfort devices, you can live more comfortably, limit pain, and have less stress.

Knee Walkers as Assistive Devices For The Elderly

Knee problems are far too common. However, knee walkers offer much relief.  They operate as assistive devices for the elderly by improving mobility for those suffering from these conditions. They typically include three or four wheels with a knee cushion and handlebar. They usually have a braking system and even convenient storage compartments.

Knee walkers are often considered a better alternative to crutches. As these devices have become popular, several styles and options are available. Whether you’re dealing with chronic knee problems or recovering from surgery, a knee walker can offer the relief you need.

Personal Hygiene Elements as Assistive Devices For The Elderly

Bathing, restroom, and other personal hygiene tasks can be complex for seniors. While having a caretaker by your side can provide tons of help, a variety of assistive devices are also available. One example is a dashboard, a bench over the tub’s width. Seniors sit on these when bathing in the bath or shower. Some other popular products include a bathroom grabber handlebar and a toilet chair.

Stairlifts as Assistive Devices For The Elderly

Getting up and down the stairs can be a nightmare for seniors. Even with the help of a caretaker, this task can be challenging. A stairlift could be your solution if you struggle to climb stairs. While this lifting system can be expensive, it can help reduce pain and limit the chance of a severe fall.

A trained professional can easily install stairlifts. And since they are growing in popularity, you can find some cost-effective options. Also, while they are more familiar with straight stairs, curved stairlifts are available for curved stairs.

Assistive Technology Devices For the Elderly

As technology has significantly advanced, several assistive devices exist for the senior community. These are ideal for those wanting to keep their independence as they age. Some of the most popular assistive technology devices include wheelchairs, voice-activated telephones, and digital hearing aids.

By using any of the devices for the elderly above, you can experience a higher quality of life with less pain and discomfort. We understand it can be nerve-wracking to try something new, but why not take a chance and see what happens?



Topics: Mobility for Seniors, Exercise & Activity

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