
Vista Springs (19)

All About Assisted Living

Age in Place with Assisted Living

There’s no feeling like coming home after a long day. As seniors age, it becomes important to them that they have a home in which they can feel safe, ...

Health & Wellness

The Importance of a Good Night's Sleep for Seniors

As people age, the odds of having a sleeping disorder rise dramatically. Many older adults either can’t fall asleep at night, wake up too often, or ca...

All About Assisted Living

5 Assisted Living Benefits You Won't Find in a Nursing Home

We all know the horror stories about nursing homes—they are dreary and dull, and the people who live there are unhappy and lifeless. While a lot of th...

Seniors & Socialization

Why Socialization is Important for Aging Adults

As you age, it can be difficult to be as socially active as you once were. You might find yourself making excuses or giving friends a rain check on so...

Vista Springs News

Lou Andriotti Announced as the CEO of a Lifetime

At Vista Springs, we love to recognize all the members of our amazing team. However, as some members of staff noticed, there was someone who hadn’t be...

Aging & Retirement

Aging & Loss of Independence: How Assisted Living Can Help

There are parts of aging that we don’t like to talk about, including the loss of independence that many older people face. It’s difficult to see our s...

Vista Springs News

Enjoy the Good Life at Vista Springs with Luxury Assisted Living

Many seniors are resistant to the idea of moving to an assisted living community because they have such a negative image of nursing homes and senior l...

Technology for Seniors

Technology for Seniors: 10 Types of Apps You Can Benefit From

Technology can seem overwhelming to those who didn’t grow up with it, and too often seniors give up on trying to understand new advancements. While it...

Exercise & Activity

How to Vacation with a Senior Loved One

We all want to go on vacation during the summer months, and there’s no reason why the whole family can’t go on the trip. While traveling with a senior...