Dec 13, 2021 10:28:44 AM | 5 Min Read

The Difference Between Respite Care & Rehabilitation

Posted By Vista Springs

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Respite care and rehabilitation are extremely important for the elderly, disabled, or those recovering from an illness or injury. As we age, we may need these professional medical services more often.

While respite care and rehabilitation have many similarities, some differences to consider, before choosing these medical services, it's important to understand what to expect.

Respite Care vs. Rehabilitation

These medical services involve experienced professionals who are well-trained in treating the senior community. However, respite care and rehabilitation offer different advantages.

Respite Care Benefits

Respite care is a temporary solution for the elderly, ill, or ones with a disability and typically has a loved one caring for them. Respite care professionals help "fill in" while the original caregiver is away. As caregivers work hard to care for their loved ones or patients, they need a break just like the rest of us. When caregivers plan a vacation or a few days away from the job, respite care stays in a care facility help the person receiving care until their caregiver returns.

While this can be a scary experience for you and your loved one, respite care specialists and facilities have the experience you can trust. They're knowledgeable about a wide variety of medical solutions, and some even provide memory care services. Many respite care experts also have unique specialties, so it's possible to find one best suited for your loved one’s specific needs.

If you've been caring for your mother or father for quite some time, leaving them in someone else's care can bring on some fear and confusion. However, respite care professionals understand how to ease the patient's mind, leading to less worry and more relaxation. These highly trained experts ensure that temporary care is smooth and stress-free.

Professional respite care providers are always welcoming and attentive, but they do more. Aside from administering medications and handling other daily tasks, respite care experts can also take care of housekeeping duties, cooking, managing/scheduling appointments, etc.

If you've been in charge of caring for your loved one, taking a break will be necessary for your mental health. Respite stays can also be a break for your loved one. While you’re on vacation or taking some time away, a respite stay ensures your loved one is cared for while offering a change of scenery, fun activities, and an opportunity to meet others in their age group.

Rehabilitation Benefits

Similar to respite care, short-term rehabilitation is also a temporary medical service. Rehabilitation is a service for a patient recovering from an illness or injury. From knee injuries to a bad case of the flu, there are several instances when short-term rehabilitation can offer lasting benefits, especially for elderly individuals. The main goal of this medical service is to speed up the recovery process. Rehabilitation is typically a primary care offering at assisted living communities that many residents participate. These services can be an excellent tool for lowering pain, discomfort, and overall stiffness.

As the body ages, rehabilitation is even more critical. Proper healing can take time when the body tightens up from an injury or illness. However, with the help of a rehabilitation professional, getting back to normal can happen sooner than you would expect. Some experts can make you feel better in a matter of days.

Another advantage of short-term rehabilitation is personalization to fit the patient's needs. For example, if your loved one is recovering from knee surgery, these rehab professionals can review medical records, speak with doctors, and do whatever it takes to help them recover. Also, rehabilitation specialists often provide stretching exercises to help improve mobility and range of motion.

Many people suffering from illness or injury come back stronger than ever by following rehabilitation professionals’ treatment, tips, and guidance. In addition to providing exercises, doing stretches, and working out muscles and joints, rehabilitation pros may also suggest proper dieting, which positively impacts recovery.

If you're interested in rehabilitation services for your loved one, try to find a provider specializing in your needs. Luckily, many assisted living communities have professionals experienced in a wide variety of specialties. By following a rehabilitation treatment plan geared toward the exact condition, patients can notice an improvement in no time.

Respite Care vs. Rehabilitation: The Bottom Line

While respite care and rehabilitation have similarities, they offer some key differences. Simply put, rehabilitation is geared toward recovery from an injury or illness, while respite care gives temporary relief to a caregiver.

As these are essential medical services, there is one cohesive goal for the patient — comfort. If your loved one is wary about being in someone else's care, make sure you discuss their comfort level. As both rehabilitation and respite care offers some of the most skilled and trusted professionals in the industry, your loved one will always be in good hands.

By understanding the differences regarding respite care and rehabilitation, you can make an educated decision on the best approach for your loved one's health and well-being.



Topics: Caregiving Tips, Care Services

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