Jan 24, 2022 11:00:00 AM | 5 Min Read

What to Know About Walking & Mobility Aids for Seniors

Posted By Vista Springs
What to Know About Walking & Mobility Aids for Seniors

Seniors rely on several walking and mobility aids to improve their quality of life. Aside from just canes and walkers, there's a long list of advanced products to consider.

In this post, we'll cover the wide variety of walking and mobility aids available on the market today.

Walking Canes

Canes are one of the most common mobility aids out there. They're inexpensive, easy to store, and work very effectively at helping seniors walk. As many of us have balancing issues when we get older, a cane can help us get around with ease. While the standard cane has been around for decades, several different types are available today.

One popular option is called a quad cane, which features four legs at the bottom of the device. These canes provide better support and stability compared to the average model. Another cane option to consider is an adjustable cane, which can be modified to different lengths.


Walkers are another popular type of mobility device. These come in either four-wheel or two-wheel models. The wheels are found on the front legs in two-wheel walkers, while the back legs often have a rubber base, which keeps the device stable while the front wheels propel the walker forward.

Four-wheel walkers are also effective at helping to improve mobility issues. They're easier to move forward than two-wheel walkers, but they can be less stable. These devices often come with a braking system to keep seniors safe.

You can also find walkers without any wheels, which offers greater stability. However, these can be more challenging to move around; the device has to be lifted slightly with each step.

Whichever walker you choose, all of them are usually foldable, making them easy to store and transport.

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Knee Scooters

Knee scooters are designed to rest a knee on the device while the other leg pushes the user forward. These devices have four wheels, a cushion for resting the knee, handlebars with brakes, and often a storage compartment. Knee walkers work great for those dealing with an injured leg or foot.

Aside from helping to heal injured limbs, knee walkers are also fun to use! They're a great way to stay in shape while you recover. However, if you have limited mobility overall, not just in one leg, you may want to consider a different device.


Like a walker, rollators feature four wheels used to improve the mobility of seniors. These devices also include a frame, handlebars, and often a seat to take a break when needed. Also, rollators typically have brakes for added safety, given the number of wheels.

Rollators are perfect for seniors looking for help with mobility but aren't ready for a wheelchair. They're stable, foldable, and easy to use. Additionally, since these devices have become more popular, several options are available today. If you're searching for a convenient, comfortable solution for improving your mobility, a rollator is an excellent solution.

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Crutches are one of the oldest, most trusted types of mobility aids. You simply place each crutch under your armpit while holding onto the handles, then you use the device to move forward. However, another type of crutches involves handles while the top of the device wraps around your upper arms. These devices essentially transfer the weight from your legs to your upper body. While these crutches can help with mobility issues, they're often more challenging to use than walkers and other devices. That said, people typically use crutches as a temporary solution when recovering from a leg injury.


Wheelchairs are a comfortable mobility aid that doesn't require your legs. Today, there are a wide variety of wheelchair options available. While some allow the user to move the device on their own, others require the assistance of another person. However, there are electric types available that do the moving for you!

Wheelchairs work best for those who shouldn't or can't use their lower body. These devices are larger and more sophisticated than other mobility aids, and they include a higher price tag. However, if you have a severe disability or can't use your lower limbs for an extended time, wheelchairs can be very beneficial.

Mobility Scooters

Like wheelchairs, mobility scooters allow users to get around with the touch of a button. However, they're often bigger than the average wheelchair. Many mobility scooters include a battery, steering controls, a comfortable seat, and headlights. With all of these features, they're best used outdoors.

If you're looking for an easy-to-use mobility device that can get you pretty much anywhere, a mobility scooter could be the answer.

Choosing any mobility aid can significantly improve your mobility and overall well-being. Consider purchasing one today to do what's right for your health!


Topics: Mobility for Seniors, Exercise & Activity

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